Monday, 3 March 2014

From a Former Teacher

I wasn't quite sure how to do this.

As a former teacher I have nothing but the highest respect for those who choose to do it as a profession. I know how hard it can be at times.

Good thing I never had to deal with me as a student.

My greatest weakness as a teacher is when it comes to discipline. Every time I would see a student misbehaving in my class it was hard for me to punish him.

I saw too much of myself.

One of the strongest memories I'll have of you is the fiery look you were giving me during first year when I was sleeping during Alex Freeman's speech.

It's a good thing I wasn't in your class yet.

Probably didn't make the best first impression.

I guess what I'm saying is I wish I had been a better student and tried harder.

This has been a very hard experience for me.

Sometimes I have to remind myself why I am putting myself through it. In the end it all comes down to the work.

I love journalism.

What I love the most about it is going out into the field and getting to talk to people.

It's the only time I really feel like I can be myself.

When you meet people for the first time they usually have no choice other than to take a person at face value.

That's how I wish everyone was treated.

One of my favourite memories from this year will be of covering Justin Trudeau. Not because of anything he said. I wasn't that impressed with him.

But I had a really great time speaking with the mother of the candidate in the by-election Trudeau was there to support.

I thought it was hilarious when you got an email from the candidate talking about the interview I did with her.

Journalism is the only thing that allows me to come alive.

When I'm down I love going out on an assignment because I love to go out and talk to people.

Believe it or not I'm actually a very friendly and out going person.

I wish people had got a chance to get to know me and that I could have brought more of this personality to class.

On second thought, maybe it's better that I didn't - being outgoing and energetic in class was Liz's job.

All the best with your retirement. I know I've enjoyed some of mine.
