Friday, 22 March 2013

That's it, back to Anyang!

After a 14 month absence, I am going back to the ROK. (Repulic Of Korea).

I couldn't be more excited.  As soon as I posted the news on Facebook I started getting all kinds of messages from so many of my good friends who are still there and they were all excited about seeing me again.

IT only took a few minutes to get a free place to stay for the three months I will be there.

I will be staying with my friends Tom and Janice.

Janice is one of my all time best friends.  She's one of the sweetest people I've ever met in my life.  She was the friend I used to always turn to when I was having 'girl' troubles, and when she needed a shoulder to cry on, it was very often mine.

I didn't really know Tom all that well.  The first time I really hung out with him was on Christmas Eve, 2011.  I bought him a shot of tequila.  Less than 2 months later I was gone.

Tom was the only person who came to all 3 of my going away parties. (I held them in different places and on different dates so I could see as many people as possible before I left.)

Most of the pictures taken from these events were taken by him and I find it surprising that he is only in one or two.

Tom was actually the teacher who replaced my good friend Nathan.

Nathan was from Wales and we bonded because we both had a problem with anger management.

When I met Tom, Janice wasn't in Korea.  She would return after I left.

Tom started hanging out with some of my friends, including my Irish friend Karl.  I used to carry a card around that read: To avoid drama, do what you think Karl would do.

Janice and Tom have now been going out for over a year.  When I get to Korea it will be the first time the three of us will be able to hang out together.

They probably wouldn't have met if not for me, so I guess I must have done something right along the way.

In Korea I tried to always make a point of helping out newcomers by reaching out to them.

The thing I loved the most about Korea was being a part of the ex-pat community.  It just seems that people who are willing to move halfway around the world are just a little more laid back and open minded.

I can't wait to see them again.



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