Sunday, 4 November 2012

Water and Cookies

I have a sweet tooth, even if it is a picky one.

Cookies are my favourite.

In University (circa 1994/95) I used to wake up a lot with stomach pain.  We turned it into a game/pool and people bet on different possibilities.

Two of my favourite suggestions were that it was an ulcer, or that I possibly had a tape worm.  Luckily it turned out to be neither.

It was caused by an allergic reaction my body was having to milk.  After all, what do you drink when you eat cookies?  Nothing goes better with cookies than milk. 

A few years later I did an allergy test and found this out.  I haven't drank milk since.  On a whole I try to avoid dairy products, but let's not go there...

Chocolate chip cookies are awesome.

Oatmeal raisin are another favourite.

At Christmas time I love ginger bread cookies, and during the last two years while I was away, I had my mom buy some and freeze them for me when I got home.  They still tasted delicious.

BUT my favourite, and I mean FAVOURITE kind of cookie to snack on is the wafer cookie, especially if it has a chocolate filling. (not a big fan of vanilla)

As a kid, my mom used to buy these 24 packs for $2.50.  The ones with the blue wrapper were vanilla, and the ones with the green were chocolate.

For the longest time they were my favourite, until I discovered something in Korea.

At a GS convenience store in Anyang I came across a small blue package containing chocolate filled wafer cookies for 2000 won (about 2 bucks).  The package was about the size of a chocolate bar.

Ever since then, I have been hooked on "Loacker" brand wafer cookies.

2 years later, after I returned home to Canada, I went months without them.  I decided to do a little research and I looked the company up on the web to find out if they sold their products in Canada.  I sent them an e-mail, and they got back to me the next day, telling me exactly where I could purchase the cookies I wanted, in Winnipeg.

The day after that, I went on a field trip with my mom to St. Vital.  It took us about a half hour to drive to the store, which was in a mall.  I felt like a kid going into a toy store before Christmas, and I got to pick out my present.  Took me less than a minute to find them and we bought ten packs and headed home. (total cost, 30 dollars)

It may be Halloween right now, but I am not tempted by any chocolate bars or treats.  As long as I have my "Loacker" wafer cookies I don't need any other kind of treat.

They are so good they taste great, even without the milk.

bon appetite,


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